Online dating business is very successful worldwide with high return on investment. Most of the individuals or organizations are directing their interests towards online dating due to the success of most of the current websites and apps on the market. Creating a dating website with WordPress is the easiest and the fastest method to get into the online dating market. WordPress is a very versatile and an easy to use tool. Anyone with basic website building knowledge can use and create their websites in.
In this article we are discussing how a dating website with WordPress can be developed with 6 easy steps anyone can follow.
Start putting the pieces together
Before actually creating a dating website with WordPress, you have to come up with a bulletproof plan to execute your business as any startup would do. During the initial stage, you may have an idea of how your dating website would look like. But it is important that all the specifics are decided and developed before actually developing the website.
Firstly, identify the target audience you will be creating this website for. Popular dating sites such as OkCupid and cater to a wider audience. Anyone who wishes to find a man or a woman for dating can enroll themselves and find a match. However, unless you are willing to invest a large capital for your new dating site and compete against these big names, it is always advisable if you create your dating website to cater to a specific niche. Such niches can be to date individuals of the same gender, same professions (such as doctors, teachers, poets, etc.), individuals who support the same sports team, those who live in the same area code, etc. The possibilities of finding a niche in this space are endless.
Once the niche is decided, list down what type of services you will provide from your dating website. Also create mockups of the screens and how you want them to look like when the dating website with WordPress is developed. These screens may change when they are actually getting developed. But you will have an idea of what options to insert to your site.
Buy a domain name
Once the business is structured, the next step is to actually start the steps in creating the dating website with WordPress. Firstly, you have to purchase a domain name. When purchasing a domain name, it is very important that you select a name that is:
- relevant to your dating site;
- easy for the users to remember;
- available as a domain.
Above are three rules to follow before you set your heart setup on a name for the dating website. You could host the domain using .com or any other relevant top-level domain. If you are going to use a top-level domain that is country specific, then make sure that you target audience is from this specific country.
Setup hosting
The next step in creating a dating website with WordPress is to select a trusted hosting partner. You can choose from a range of hosting services such as GoDaddy, SiteGround or BlueHost and select the domain that better cater to your requirement. All these hosting services have different packages in different price ranges. You can select the most suitable package as per your requirement.
In the cPanel of your site, install WordPress to your website.
Add a dating related theme and required plugins
Once the steps 2 and 3 are complete, you are now in the step of actually developing you dating website with WordPress. Once the WordPress is installed in your website, you have the option of either opting for a free theme or a paid theme. The benefits of opting for a paid theme is that you can get customized options suitable for a dating website. In free themes you do not have the option of doing a lot of changes as they only have basic functionality as is suitable for websites such as a blog.
You may be spending a lot of time in this step to perfect the look and feel of the website and to develop a dating website that is user friendly and is attractive to your customers.
Market your website
Now that the dating website with WordPress is developed, you have to get visitors into your website. Only developing a website is not enough and there’s less chance that users will come into your site if it just idles on the internet. You have to market it. Use social media, other related and effective methods of marketing to reach your target audience and make your website visible on the internet.
Mobile app
When developing a dating website, it also has the advantage of developing your site to suit for different screen sizes such as for a mobile phone and a tablet. However, when you realize that your dating website is getting good reception and the traffic is building up daily, you can opt to create a mobile application based on your WordPress page. This will increase your traffic more. The statistics show that the users access the internet mostly using their mobile devices rather than a desktop or a laptop PC. This is the reason why apps such as Tinder and OkCupid are doing so much better in the dating arena.
The above steps discussed are the main steps you have to follow to create a dating website with WordPress. Further researching on each and every step above and using them as a guideline will help you create a great dating website.